Australian Bobath Training Association

Want a quick introduction to the Bobath Concept?

The internationally agreed definition is your first stop: https://ibita.org/bobath-concept-definition/

An up-to-date summary of the Bobath concept

Vaughan-Graham J, Cott C, Holland A, Michielsen M, Magri A, Suzuki M, Brooks D. Developing a revised definition of the Bobath concept. Physiother Res Int. 2019 Apr;24(2):e1762. doi: 10.1002/pri.1762. Epub 2018 Dec 16. PMID: 30556333.


The Bobath (NDT) concept in adult neurological rehabilitation: what is the state of the knowledge? A scoping review. Part I: conceptual perspectives. – Vaughan-Graham J, Cott C, Wright FV. Disabil Rehabil. 2015;37(20):1793-807. doi: 10.3109/09638288.2014.985802. Epub 2015 Jul 9.


The Bobath (NDT) concept in adult neurological rehabilitation: what is the state of the knowledge? A scoping review. Part II: intervention studies perspectives. – Vaughan-Graham J, Cott C, Wright FV. Disabil Rehabil. 2015;37(21):1909-28. doi: 10.3109/09638288.2014.987880. Epub 2015 Jul 9. Review.


The Model of Bobath Clinical Practice

Michielsen M, Vaughan-Graham J, Holland A, Magri A, Suzuki M. (2017). The Bobath concept – a model to illustrate clinical practice. Disability and Rehabilitation, 7, 1-13.


ABTA Response to Recent Systematic Reviews and Guideline Updates

The full ABTA Response to Recent Systematic Reviews and Guideline Updates can be viewed here.

Further relevant letters and responses:

Bobath Videos & Podcasts

The International Bobath Instructors Training Association

An international association for adult neurological rehabilitation and our parent association. Their website has plenty of useful information: http://www.ibita.org/

British Bobath Tutors Association

The ABTA are closely linked with the BBTA. http://www.bbta.org.uk

The Australian Physiotherapy Association

The APA supports us, the ABTA and runs courses in the Bobath Concept. http://physiotherapy.asn.au/

Australian Bobath Neuro-Developmental Therapy Association

For information and courses in the Bobath Concept for paediatric physiotherapists. http://www.abndta.asn.au